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Family Lawyers Ipswich

We’re your Family Lawyers for Ipswich. Family Law is at the heart of our services at Stanford Legal. We understand the intricacies of family dynamics, particularly when it comes to children. Our approach is rooted in empathy and understanding. We’ll do everything in our power to reach resolutions amicably. We champion the rights of your child and aim to empower you with the knowledge to make informed decisions. We’re the experts that care.

More than Just Family Lawyers for Ipswich

What separates us from the rest?
Family Lawyers in Ipswich

At Stanford Legal, we are more than just your local Family Lawyers in Ipswich; we are committed to understanding you and your personal journey. Empathy. Education. Empowerment. These aren’t just words to us; they’re our core principles.

From our collaborative approach to our dedication in providing a safe passage through life’s most challenging moments, we’re here for you. Our services are tailored uniquely to you, ensuring synergy across all legal matters.

Our specialty? Humanising the legal process. With us, you won’t be lost in a sea of processes and legal jargon. Instead, we educate you and walk with you – every step of the way. We’re passionate about empowering you, ensuring you make informed decisions. Our aim is to keep disputes out of court, focusing on resolutions that prioritise your best interests and those of your children.

Our vision of offering a professional service that leads people through life’s most difficult moments is what drives Stanford Legal. So, if you seek Family Lawyers in the Ipswich area that:

Then Stanford Legal is your choice.

Family Law

Divorce & Separation

Stanford Legal navigates divorce and separation with empathy and expertise. Our dedicated team offers expert guidance through the legal process, ensuring a clear understanding of your rights and entitlements. We aim to secure a fair resolution, minimising stress and fostering a positive path forward for all parties involved.
Family Law

Family Dispute Resolution

Family dispute resolution is a crucial step towards amicably resolving conflicts without court intervention. Our skilled mediators facilitate constructive conversations, enabling parties to reach mutual agreements on sensitive issues like child custody and property division. This approach prioritises the well-being of the family, offering a less adversarial and more cost-effective resolution.
Family Law

International Family Law

Navigating international family law requires expertise in cross-border legal complexities. We assist with international custody disputes, child abduction cases, and the enforcement of foreign family law orders. Our goal is to protect your rights and family's interests across international jurisdictions, ensuring legal compliance and aiming for resolutions that respect all parties' cultural and legal contexts.
Family Law

Mediation & Arbitration

Mediation & Arbitration offers a constructive alternative to court proceedings, focusing on amicable dispute resolution. Our nationally accredited mediators and arbitrators facilitate negotiations, helping parties reach mutually satisfactory agreements. This approach promotes understanding and cooperation, potentially saving time and reducing the emotional and financial strain of family conflicts, aiming for a harmonious resolution that respects the interests of all involved.
Family Law


Prenuptial agreements provide clarity and peace of mind for couples looking to safeguard their future. Our approach focuses on drafting clear, fair agreements that reflect your unique circumstances and goals. By outlining the distribution of assets and financial responsibilities, we help you secure your interests, minimise potential conflicts, and ensure both parties enter the marriage with full confidence in their financial rights and obligations.
Family Law

Superannuation Splitting

Superannuation splitting in family law enables fair division of retirement savings between partners after separation or divorce. We guide you through the complex process, ensuring your superannuation rights are protected. By negotiating equitable splits, we aim to secure your financial well-being post-separation, offering expert advice to navigate the legal requirements and achieve a resolution that supports your long-term financial security.
Family Law

Spousal & Child Living Arrangements

Our approach focuses on achieving outcomes that prioritise the well-being and stability of children, while also respecting the rights and needs of parents. We work to establish living arrangements that ensure children’s security and nurture a positive environment, aiming for agreements that support the entire family’s adjustment and future welfare.
Family Law

Parenting Arrangements

Our focus on parenting arrangements is designed to create a supportive framework for children and parents alike, post-separation. We aim for solutions that uphold the children’s best interests, ensuring they maintain strong relationships with both parents. Through negotiation and collaboration, we facilitate agreements on custody, visitation, and parental responsibilities, promoting a stable and nurturing environment for the family's future.
Family Law

Property Settlement

Property settlement after separation involves equitable division of assets and liabilities. Our team works to ensure a fair resolution that reflects each party's contributions and future needs. By carefully assessing and negotiating the division of property, savings, and debts, we aim to achieve an agreement that supports your financial independence and well-being moving forward.
Family Law

Binding Financial Agreements

Understanding financial matters post-separation is crucial. We specialise in creating Binding Financial Agreements that safeguard your assets and secure your financial future. These agreements clearly outline the division of assets, liabilities, and financial resources, offering peace of mind and preventing future disputes, ensuring a smoother transition for everyone involved.
Family Law

Consent Orders

Consent orders formalise the agreement between separating parties on financial and parenting matters. Our role is to draft these orders to accurately reflect your mutual decisions, ensuring they are legally binding and recognised by the court. This process provides certainty and allows both parties to move forward with a clear, enforceable agreement on asset division, child support, and parenting arrangements.
Family Law

Spousal Maintenance

We’ll help you navigate the challenging process of spousal maintenance, ensuring an outcome that’s just and fair. We understand the stress that comes with post-separation financial support. That’s why we will prioritise your well-being and future security.
Family Law

Domestic Violence

Dealing with domestic violence requires sensitivity, understanding, and strong legal support. We provide compassionate guidance to those affected, helping to navigate the legal protections available and secure safety orders when needed. Our focus is on your well-being, offering a supportive path through the legal process while ensuring your rights are protected. We're here to help you find safety, security, and a way forward during this challenging time.

Meet your Family Lawyer

Emario Welgampola

Emario Welgampola
Emario Welgampola, Legal Practice Director at Stanford Legal, has practised law across three Commonwealth countries since 1989. With a Master’s Degree in Law from the University of Nottingham, he has served as a practitioner, academic, mediator, and arbitrator. Emario has served the people of Southeast Queensland as a Family Law practitioner for over the last two decades. With his empathic approach coupled with an unruffled demeanour, Emario brings a calmness and stability that defuses tension and conflict that underlies most of the family law disputes he encounters.

Experienced in difficult and sensitive family law matters

Stanford Legal brings decades of combined experience in family law.

We’re well-versed in handling a wide range of family law matters, from straightforward to the most difficult and sensitive situations. 

Our approach is always tailored to meet the unique needs and circumstances of each client, ensuring the most favourable outcomes while maintaining the utmost discretion and respect.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help with your unique family law needs, we offer free initial consultations to discuss your situation, explore your options, and start planning the best pathway forward together.

Our Values

Big enough to be experts, Small enough to care

Empathy – We understand that family law matters extend beyond your case and can deeply impact personal aspects of your life. Our approach is to provide not just legal solutions but empathy and support ensuring you feel heard and respected.

Education – Family law can seem complex and filled with legal jargon designed to confuse rather than clarify. At Stanford Legal, we break down these barriers. We explain every step, every option, and every possible outcome in clear, understandable language. Our aim is to empower you with knowledge, enabling you to make informed decisions about your case.

Empowerment – Empowerment is the result of combining empathy with education. When fully informed and supported, you become empowered to make decisions that are right for you and your family. We are your advocates, but we are also your partners throughout the process.

Schedule your free initial consultation today

Facing family law challenges can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to navigate them alone. 

To help you understand your options and rights, we offer a free initial consultation where you can get personalised advice tailored to your situation. 

Together, we’ll work towards the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Family Law FAQs

I have just separated, where do I start?

Upon separation, the first step is to gain a clear understanding of your legal rights and options.

It’s advisable to seek advice from a family lawyer who can guide you through the process.

Consideration should be given to immediate needs such as living arrangements, financial stability, and, if applicable, arrangements for any children involved.

Documenting important information such as assets, liabilities, and financial contributions to the relationship can also be beneficial.

This initial stage is about planning and gathering information that will be important for any legal processes ahead.

To make the most of your first appointment with a family lawyer:

  • Compile Relevant Documents: Bring any legal documents related to your marriage, finances, and children.
  • List Your Questions and Concerns: Write down any specific questions or concerns you have to ensure they are addressed.
  • Be Ready to Discuss Your Situation: Be prepared to give a brief overview of your marital history and the issues at hand.
  • Think About Your Goals: Consider what you want to achieve from the legal process, whether it’s related to property, children, or support.

This information will assist your lawyer in understanding your case better and providing more tailored advice.

Remember, this appointment is an opportunity for you to also assess the lawyer and ensure they are the right fit for you.

Resolving a family law dispute in Queensland typically involves several key steps. Initially, it’s recommended to seek legal advice to understand your rights and options.

  1. Consultation: The process often starts with a consultation with a family lawyer, where you can discuss your situation and receive guidance on the best course of action.

  2. Mediation and Negotiation: Before proceeding to court, parties are encouraged to attempt resolution through mediation or negotiation. This involves discussions facilitated by a neutral third party (mediator) or direct negotiation between lawyers, aiming for an amicable agreement.

  3. Filing an Application: If an agreement cannot be reached, the next step is to file an application with the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court. This includes providing necessary documentation and evidence relevant to your case.

  4. Court Proceedings: In court, both parties present their case, and a judge makes a decision based on the best interests of the children involved (in custody cases) and equitable division of assets and liabilities. Court proceedings can vary in length, depending on the complexity of the case.

  5. Final Orders: Once the court makes a decision, it issues final orders. These orders are legally binding and outline the responsibilities and rights of each party moving forward.

Throughout the process, it’s important to have ongoing legal support to navigate the complexities of family law in Queensland. Family lawyers can provide crucial advice and representation, ensuring your interests are well-represented and protected at every stage.

Going to court for a family law matter is not always necessary.

Many cases are resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or negotiation.

These processes can be less confrontational and more cost-effective.

However, if parties cannot reach an agreement, or if there are issues of safety or urgency, court intervention may be required.

A family lawyer can provide advice on the best approach for your situation and represent you in court if needed.

The goal is always to find the most suitable resolution method for all involved parties, especially when children are concerned.

The duration of the family law process can vary significantly based on the complexity of the case, the cooperation between parties, and the specific issues at hand. 

While some matters may be resolved in a matter of months, others, especially those requiring court intervention, can take longer. 

Our goal at Stanford Legal is to efficiently navigate your case towards a resolution that protects your interests, always striving for the most timely and favourable outcome possible.

Family Law

Divorce & Separation

Stanford Legal navigates divorce and separation with empathy and expertise. Our dedicated team offers expert guidance through the legal process, ensuring a clear understanding of your rights and entitlements. We aim to secure a fair resolution, minimising stress and fostering a positive path forward for all parties involved.
Family Law

Family Dispute Resolution

Family dispute resolution is a crucial step towards amicably resolving conflicts without court intervention. Our skilled mediators facilitate constructive conversations, enabling parties to reach mutual agreements on sensitive issues like child custody and property division. This approach prioritises the well-being of the family, offering a less adversarial and more cost-effective resolution.
Family Law

International Family Law

Navigating international family law requires expertise in cross-border legal complexities. We assist with international custody disputes, child abduction cases, and the enforcement of foreign family law orders. Our goal is to protect your rights and family's interests across international jurisdictions, ensuring legal compliance and aiming for resolutions that respect all parties' cultural and legal contexts.
Family Law

Mediation & Arbitration

Mediation & Arbitration offers a constructive alternative to court proceedings, focusing on amicable dispute resolution. Our nationally accredited mediators and arbitrators facilitate negotiations, helping parties reach mutually satisfactory agreements. This approach promotes understanding and cooperation, potentially saving time and reducing the emotional and financial strain of family conflicts, aiming for a harmonious resolution that respects the interests of all involved.
Family Law


Prenuptial agreements provide clarity and peace of mind for couples looking to safeguard their future. Our approach focuses on drafting clear, fair agreements that reflect your unique circumstances and goals. By outlining the distribution of assets and financial responsibilities, we help you secure your interests, minimise potential conflicts, and ensure both parties enter the marriage with full confidence in their financial rights and obligations.
Family Law

Superannuation Splitting

Superannuation splitting in family law enables fair division of retirement savings between partners after separation or divorce. We guide you through the complex process, ensuring your superannuation rights are protected. By negotiating equitable splits, we aim to secure your financial well-being post-separation, offering expert advice to navigate the legal requirements and achieve a resolution that supports your long-term financial security.
Family Law

Spousal & Child Living Arrangements

Our approach focuses on achieving outcomes that prioritise the well-being and stability of children, while also respecting the rights and needs of parents. We work to establish living arrangements that ensure children’s security and nurture a positive environment, aiming for agreements that support the entire family’s adjustment and future welfare.
Family Law

Parenting Arrangements

Our focus on parenting arrangements is designed to create a supportive framework for children and parents alike, post-separation. We aim for solutions that uphold the children’s best interests, ensuring they maintain strong relationships with both parents. Through negotiation and collaboration, we facilitate agreements on custody, visitation, and parental responsibilities, promoting a stable and nurturing environment for the family's future.
Family Law

Property Settlement

Property settlement after separation involves equitable division of assets and liabilities. Our team works to ensure a fair resolution that reflects each party's contributions and future needs. By carefully assessing and negotiating the division of property, savings, and debts, we aim to achieve an agreement that supports your financial independence and well-being moving forward.
Family Law

Binding Financial Agreements

Understanding financial matters post-separation is crucial. We specialise in creating Binding Financial Agreements that safeguard your assets and secure your financial future. These agreements clearly outline the division of assets, liabilities, and financial resources, offering peace of mind and preventing future disputes, ensuring a smoother transition for everyone involved.
Family Law

Consent Orders

Consent orders formalise the agreement between separating parties on financial and parenting matters. Our role is to draft these orders to accurately reflect your mutual decisions, ensuring they are legally binding and recognised by the court. This process provides certainty and allows both parties to move forward with a clear, enforceable agreement on asset division, child support, and parenting arrangements.
Family Law

Spousal Maintenance

We’ll help you navigate the challenging process of spousal maintenance, ensuring an outcome that’s just and fair. We understand the stress that comes with post-separation financial support. That’s why we will prioritise your well-being and future security.
Family Law

Domestic Violence

Dealing with domestic violence requires sensitivity, understanding, and strong legal support. We provide compassionate guidance to those affected, helping to navigate the legal protections available and secure safety orders when needed. Our focus is on your well-being, offering a supportive path through the legal process while ensuring your rights are protected. We're here to help you find safety, security, and a way forward during this challenging time.

Family Law FAQs

I have just separated, where do I start?

Upon separation, the first step is to gain a clear understanding of your legal rights and options.

It’s advisable to seek advice from a family lawyer who can guide you through the process.

Consideration should be given to immediate needs such as living arrangements, financial stability, and, if applicable, arrangements for any children involved.

Documenting important information such as assets, liabilities, and financial contributions to the relationship can also be beneficial.

This initial stage is about planning and gathering information that will be important for any legal processes ahead.

To make the most of your first appointment with a family lawyer:

  • Compile Relevant Documents: Bring any legal documents related to your marriage, finances, and children.
  • List Your Questions and Concerns: Write down any specific questions or concerns you have to ensure they are addressed.
  • Be Ready to Discuss Your Situation: Be prepared to give a brief overview of your marital history and the issues at hand.
  • Think About Your Goals: Consider what you want to achieve from the legal process, whether it’s related to property, children, or support.

This information will assist your lawyer in understanding your case better and providing more tailored advice.

Remember, this appointment is an opportunity for you to also assess the lawyer and ensure they are the right fit for you.

Resolving a family law dispute in Queensland typically involves several key steps. Initially, it’s recommended to seek legal advice to understand your rights and options.

  1. Consultation: The process often starts with a consultation with a family lawyer, where you can discuss your situation and receive guidance on the best course of action.

  2. Mediation and Negotiation: Before proceeding to court, parties are encouraged to attempt resolution through mediation or negotiation. This involves discussions facilitated by a neutral third party (mediator) or direct negotiation between lawyers, aiming for an amicable agreement.

  3. Filing an Application: If an agreement cannot be reached, the next step is to file an application with the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court. This includes providing necessary documentation and evidence relevant to your case.

  4. Court Proceedings: In court, both parties present their case, and a judge makes a decision based on the best interests of the children involved (in custody cases) and equitable division of assets and liabilities. Court proceedings can vary in length, depending on the complexity of the case.

  5. Final Orders: Once the court makes a decision, it issues final orders. These orders are legally binding and outline the responsibilities and rights of each party moving forward.

Throughout the process, it’s important to have ongoing legal support to navigate the complexities of family law in Queensland. Family lawyers can provide crucial advice and representation, ensuring your interests are well-represented and protected at every stage.

Going to court for a family law matter is not always necessary.

Many cases are resolved through alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or negotiation.

These processes can be less confrontational and more cost-effective.

However, if parties cannot reach an agreement, or if there are issues of safety or urgency, court intervention may be required.

A family lawyer can provide advice on the best approach for your situation and represent you in court if needed.

The goal is always to find the most suitable resolution method for all involved parties, especially when children are concerned.



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