Family Law

Divorce Lawyers Ipswich

Navigating divorce or separation can be challenging. Stanford Legal, your trusted Ipswich-based divorce and separation lawyers are here to provide a safe passage through this life altering moment. We understand that every situation is unique, and we're dedicated to offering personalised, empathetic legal counsel, ensuring your best interests are always at the forefront.
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Ipswich's No.1 Divorce Lawyer

Why choose Stanford Legal as your divorce and separation lawyer?

Expertise and Empathy: Our team combines comprehensive legal knowledge with genuine compassion. While we maintain our objectivity, we never lose sight of the human element in every case.
Personalised Approach: We recognize that no two divorces are the same. We tailor our strategy to meet your specific needs and circumstances.
Collaborative Solutions: We advocate for resolutions outside of court to save both emotional and financial strain.

What you can expect from us as your divorce and separation lawyer in Ipswich:

The process of separation, while often preceding divorce, carries its own unique challenges and considerations. As your go-to separation lawyer in Ipswich, we are committed to:

Our Divorce and separation services

Navigating the complexities of property settlement during a divorce is crucial for a fair outcome.

Our team offers expert guidance in valuing and dividing assets, ensuring a just distribution that respects both parties’ contributions.

We focus on reaching amicable agreements while upholding your legal rights, striving for a resolution that supports your future financial stability.

Creating a Binding Financial Agreement provides clarity and security for both parties in a relationship.

Our legal experts assist in drafting these agreements, which outline how assets and financial resources will be handled during and after the relationship.

We ensure these agreements are comprehensive, legally sound, and reflective of your specific circumstances and needs.

Consent orders are an efficient way to formalise the terms of a divorce agreement.

We help in preparing and filing these orders, ensuring they accurately reflect your agreements on property, finances, and child arrangements.

Our goal is to provide a smooth legal process that legally binds the agreement and minimises future disputes.

Our Values

Big enough to be experts. Small enough to care.

Empathy – Whether you’re seeking to buy a new property or facing the stresses of organising child living arrangements – we’ll treat your matter with complete empathy maintained with total objectivity. Everyone deserves a fair resolution and achieving this through amicable means is our first port of call.

Education – You’ll be educated in your legal matter from our initial consultation right until its conclusion. We’ll provide you all the tools necessary to navigate the legal process with confidence. This helps to remove your stress and put your best foot forward.

Empowerment – A natural byproduct of our first two values, you’ll gain the empowerment to feel in control of your individual case. You’ll have the confidence when it comes to understanding what’s happening and what actions to take next. We make your most important life decisions with you, not for you.

Stanford Legal is beside you with every step

Divorce or separation can often feel like walking through a maze without a map. With Stanford Legal, considered by many as the best divorce lawyers in Ipswich, you won’t face this journey alone. We pledge to guide, educate and support you, ensuring clarity, fairness and respect throughout the process. Our aim is not just to provide legal solutions but to empower you to move forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Divorce Law FAQs

What is my ex-partner entitled to in a divorce in Australia?

In Australia, the entitlements of an ex-partner in a divorce are determined by considering various factors, including the duration of the marriage, contributions made by each partner (financial and non-financial), and future needs.

The law aims for a fair and equitable division of assets, which can include property, savings, and superannuation.

The specific circumstances of each case, such as the care of children and the ability of each person to support themselves, play a crucial role in deciding the outcome.

It’s important to seek legal advice to understand how these principles apply to your situation.

In Australia, you must be separated for at least one year before you can apply for a divorce.

This period of separation demonstrates that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. During this time, it’s important to consider your legal rights and obligations.

Separation can occur while living under the same roof, but you’ll need to provide additional evidence to the court to support your claim of being separated despite cohabiting.

If you’re considering applying for a divorce and unsure about how to prove your separation or navigate the process, seeking legal advice can help clarify these requirements and ensure your application is properly prepared.

In Australia, the time it takes to get a divorce can vary, depending on the complexity of your case and how quickly you and your ex-partner can resolve any disputes.

After filing for divorce, there’s a mandatory waiting period of at least four months for the divorce to be finalised.

This includes a one-month waiting period after your divorce hearing, assuming the court approves your application.

If all goes smoothly and both parties agree, you might expect the entire process to take around four to six months from filing to finalisation.

However, if there are complications or disputes over assets, children, or other matters, it could take longer.

In Australia, the division of assets during a divorce is guided by the principles of fairness and equity.

The Family Law Act provides a framework for determining how property should be divided between separating parties.

This process considers various factors, including the duration of the marriage, contributions made by each party (financial and non-financial), future needs, and the care of children.

Assets are not automatically split 50/50.

Instead, the court looks at the entire asset pool, which includes property, savings, debts, and superannuation, and then decides on a division that is considered just and equitable for both parties.

The aim is to ensure that both individuals can move forward with financial security.

Parties are encouraged to reach an agreement outside of court whenever possible, but if that’s not feasible, the court will be forced to make a decision on your behalf.

Frequently Asked Questions

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